With high complaints coming from customers over the loud noise of the high end bar/restaurant in down town Boston, The Ward 8 knew that with low return rates from customers, they needed a change. New England Soundproofing did a on-site visit to the high-end bar and knew that with the beautiful brick wall, hard floors and plastered ceilings, the reverberation was just too high. REVRB™ acoustic panels were the only way to decrease the noise. These panels were custom made to fit in specific spots within the ceiling of the restaurant so that it won’t interfere with the décor. Ward 8 ordered multiple panels but simply installed them in-house to save on money. A couple of months later, the owner said that customer, employees, and even himself heard a huge difference; “customers are coming back, no one is complaining, and business is doing better now! I was skeptical about it at first, but after it was up, it made a huge difference in sound quality throughout the whole place!”